Restoring your youthful look is a challenge for most individuals Dr. Dika understands that and provides botox services to reduce the effects of unwanted wrinkles. Dr. Dika provides expert dermatology services including botox treatment at her practice in USA, Burlington.
botox q&a
What is Botox?
Brand names: Botox® Cosmetic, Dysport®, MYOBLOC®, and XEOMIN®
When you look in the mirror, do you see deep frown lines? These lines bother many people. To diminish these lines, many choose botulinum toxin therapy. Patients like that they can return to most everyday activities immediately after the procedure. They like that most people see results within 3 to 7 days. Dr. Dika can perform the treatment during a single office visit. The improvements last about 3 to 4 months — and sometimes longer.
How long does bad Botox last?
Ideally, Botox injections simply paralyze the superficial muscles of the face without negative side effects. Sometimes, though, the toxin migrates to the levator palpebrae muscle that controls eyelid lifting, leaving you with a droopy eye on the affected side. This happens more frequently if you rub the eye after the injection or if you lie down within a couple of hours after being treated. The effects of “bad Botox” lasts for a couple of weeks. Some doctors try to use additional injections of Botox to offset the problem, however, your eye will correct itself without further treatments.
How long does allergan botox last?
Botox by the Allergan Medical Company will last about three to six months on average. The muscles that had been paralyzed by the toxin gradually return to normal functioning, with the reappearance of the wrinkles. Fine lines and wrinkling will be less noticeable when you have multiple injections over time because the muscle itself will shrink in size.
Does Botox require a prescription?
Botox and the other name brands for botulinum toxin require a prescription in order to be used. Because these are injections, you should have the drug administered by a doctor who is qualified to give them safely and with fewer adverse effects.
What is the difference between botox and dysport?
Both Botox and Dysport are brand names for the botulinum toxin normally produced by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. Dysport is specifically recommended for glabellar lines, which are the wrinkles you can get on your forehead between your eyebrows. Dysport injections do not take as long to see an effect but the effect may not last as long as is seen with Botox. Botox, on the other hand, can also be used to treat crow’s feet and lines elsewhere on the forehead besides the glabella. It can take more than a week for the maximum effect but can decrease wrinkle lines for up to six months. Dr. Dika would be happy to advise on your specific case. Book an appointment today.